Unlocking the Capital Spectrum – Decarbonization finance for developing economies

  • November 12, 2024
  • 3:15PM – 4:30PM
  • Room Hirkan - Blue Zone, Baku COP29

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Please note you need a blue zone pass to join this event

COP29 Venue - Baku Stadium

Exclusive invite-only roundtable hosted by the MSCI Sustainability Institute and the UNFCCC.

This roundtable will delve into the current landscape and emerging trends in decarbonization finance across asset classes in developing economies. The discussion will center on identifying effective policy and financing strategies that accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy while supporting Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Participants will explore the unique challenges and growth opportunities within these regions, focusing on public and private equity, debt markets, infrastructure and voluntary carbon markets.

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Linda-Eling Lee, Founding Director, MSCI Sustainability Institute
Linda-Eling Lee

MSCI Sustainability Institute’s founding director

Hiro Mizuno

Special Advisor to MSCI Chairman and CEO Henry Fernandez

Damilola Ogunbiyi

CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, and Co-Chair of UN-Energy

Ali Zaidi

National Climate Advisor, Climate Policy Office, White House

Wale Shonibare

Director, Energy Financial Solutions, Policy and Regulations, African Development Bank

Gwen Yu

Head of Nature and Biodiversity, JP Morgan

Anmay Dittman

Head of Climate Finance Partnership, Blackrock

Harry Boyd-Carpenter

Managing Director, Climate Strategy, EBRD

Martin Nagell
Martin Nagell

Director, Mergers and Acquisitions, Masdar

Mark Kenber

Executive Director, VCMI

Nana Maidugu

Head, Sustainability and ESG, Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority

Anne Simpson

Global Head of Sustainability, Franklin Templeton

Taleh Musayev
Taleh Musayev

Chief Operating Officer, SOCAR Trading

Satoshi Ikeda

Chief Sustainable Finance Officer, Financial Services Agency, Government of Japan